Summer is for Country Music

Okay, so we know that there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding country music, all-American summers, beaches, pool parties, barbecues, etc. We realize that there’s more to living than laying out in the sun with a Mojito in hand while hanging with your best buds…isn't there? In our humble opinion, not really.

As long as the temperatures are scorching, we are going to live it up and soak up the days of summer as much as we can. For now lets forget about the books, professors, chapter meetings, and everything in between, at United, we’re all about living life with the motto that our toes are always in the sand. Maybe that’s why we’re so drawn to country music?

We love the fact that summertime country music hits mean laid back days and feel good vibes. Who wouldn’t be in their “happy place” when they listen to Kenny Chesney’s “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems”? Exactly our point. We love country music so much that we felt the need to create United Country Music Tank Tops, which are perfect for all of our country music fans out there (we assume thats most of us). 

If we seem like a broken record, we apologize. We promise we won’t write off country music come fall and winter, but come on, even for those of you who claim to be “country haters, the warmer temperatures tend to make everyone a country believer. Tell us, do you just seem to obsess over country music in the summer or do you enjoy playing country jams even into the fall and winter?

Although the summer keeps most of us in a positive mindset, once the leaves turn brown, that doesn’t mean it’s time to get back to the often redundant days of schedules, events, and homework. We challenge you to keep your summertime vibes in full swing, even when the temperatures change and force us to retire our light, breezy summertime outfits.

But don’t forget, when it’s time to put away your country music tanks for the season, as always, United Tees has you covered with zip ups, sweatshirts and hats to help “ease” you into the transition. Stay tuned!


*Wear the American Dream with our
Country Music Tank Tops & Tees



  • Abby French

    I love all your clothes!!!

  • Rachel Johnson

    Love united tees! So patriotic!

  • Sydney turner

    I love all of United tees apparel!!

  • Sydney turner

    I love all of United tees apparel!!

  • Julie Wallschlaeger

    Country music just has that summertime vibe and puts you in a good mood. Whether that be driving around with the windows down or sitting around a fire, country is the soundtrack of summer!

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