Why the 4th of July is the Best Holiday

There is no Holiday that matches the Excitement of the 4th of July. Sean Lowery- Live the American Dream
It's a Holiday where there are no gift exchanges, no greeting cards & no church. It always has a weekend attached to it, even if it lands in the middle of the week. We choose our favorite people to spend the weekend with drinking beer, eating burgers & Living the American Dream.

I've always said that Celebrating is better than Partying. The 4th of July is a True Celebration where Fireworks are 100% necessary.

Sean Lowery
Founder & Owner, United Tees Inc.

Why is the 4th of July your Favorite Holiday?

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  • Kristen C.

    I love this holiday because it means family and friends gathered around celebrating the country we love! Fireworks, BBQ, and of course a good time!

  • Brian

    I love this holiday because it’s a combination of food, fireworks, booze, music, and chants of USA. I love celebrating the greatest country in the history of the world, especially while brandishing the greatest preppy and patriotic brand in the history of the world.

  • margaret primos

    I love the forth because it makes me feel proud and lucky to be an American. The great food,family fun and fireworks are a wonderful bonus!

  • Jaden

    I love the 4th of July because we can celebrate all the things that make us American, from all of our freedoms to our favorite colors, Red, White, and Blue! ??

  • Gabriel

    USA USA USA ??

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